Dharma Yoga London

Welcome to

Dharma Yoga London!

Our mission is to share and embrace the profound teachings of Sri Dharma Mittra.

Discover the transformative power of Dharma Yoga with our certified teachers spread across Greater London.

Experience the essence of Dharma Yoga through regular classes held at nearby yoga studios, as well as weekly masterclasses and enriching workshops.

What is Dharma yoga?

Dharma Yoga is a modern interpretation of classical Hatha-Raja Yoga founded by Sri Dharma Mittra. The practice includes physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, chanting, and philosophical teachings. Dharma Yoga aims to cultivate self-awareness, inner peace, and spiritual growth while promoting physical health and flexibility. It emphasizes selfless service and compassion, encouraging practitioners to live a virtuous life both on and off the mat.
Sri Dharma demonstrating asanas at workshop in London
Dharma class at Triyoga Chelsea in London
Dharma yoga workshop at Indaba studio London.
Ramcharran Dharma class in London

LOAY Teacher training

Dharma Yoga LOAY (Life of a Yogi) Teacher trainings are held in New York. You will learn and be trained at presence of a master of Yoga, Sri Dharma Mittra.

If you open your heart and become like a child, you will always be blissful, always content.

Sri Dharma Mittra

London based Dharma yoga teachers

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